3 steps to design your business and get your offshore team ready

3 Steps to Prepare Your Offshore Team

In building a successful business, you need to know how to pass on your business knowledge to your staff. With the right training strategies, they can start contributing to your business’s growth immediately. But how do you prepare your offshore team? 

Sometimes, it can be difficult to take all the ideas inside your head and communicate them to your team in an efficient way. You need to figure out how to transfer your knowledge to other people so they can put it to use. When done effectively, you will end up with a team that is interested and passionate about delivering excellent service.

Developing systems and processes can help ensure outsourcing is a success for your business. It also helps keep your offshore team on track to achieve favorable project results.

Prepare your offshore team in three easy steps:

1. Document everything

Record every work process that you do in the business, including how to do them. When you document your business processes, you’ll see which tasks can be done by your offshore team and those that can be handled locally.

So where do you begin to prepare your offshore team to integrate with your business? You can document your customer’s journey from start to finish. That means starting from the moment of their inquiry up until their final purchase. You can also keep a record of the delivery of your products and services. Keeping track of marketing and communication on your channels can also be a huge help.

After documenting your systems and processes, make them replicable. Doing so allows you to go from your own office and roll them out to another. This way, outsourcing becomes more seamless.

If you can replicate your business’s current  systems and processes with your offshore team, it enables them to achieve the results your business requires.. Sometimes, outsourcing requires you to think outside the box, giving you inspiration to come up with better solutions to complete specific tasks. Ensuring thorough business documentation will help you save time, money and energy.

2. Be organized

Organization is a must when onboarding remote staff. Make it easy for them to jump straight in and get the job done by ensuring everything is easy to find and understand. 

Data organization can be done several ways – choose the one that suits your business best:

  • Make lists
  • Create step-by-step instructions
  • Provide tutorials
  • Design flow charts and diagrams

It’s essential to reassess your current workflows. With the introduction of remote staff, workflows may change. Think about how each of your processes will work from beginning to end. What will the workflow look like once all your team members are involved?  Mapping this out will provide everyone in the business with clearly defined roles and responsibilities and clarity around how the business works.

3. Develop a process library

Process makes the world go round. It streamlines business, creates efficiencies and ensures teams are as productive as humanly possible. To ensure your business runs smoothly we suggest placing all information in a process library and making it accessible to all team members. You can use a project management system, cloud storage or a password-protected online training center.

In some situations, it is advisable to limit access to some sections of the library. Team members should only access the processes that are relevant to their role. The goal is to make it easy for them to find information that helps them perform their tasks.

Arrange every piece of information in a sensible manner. It’s like arranging books inside the library. Your process library consists of your process workflows and instructions. Use applications like Google Drive or your local server to store your documented processes. Browsing the files shouldn’t slow your staff down in doing their tasks.

Taking the extra step

Documentation of workflows and processes shouldn’t stop once your offshore team has been onboarded. Make it part of your business as usual processes. Whenever you need your team to carry out new tasks or processes, all you need to do is document the steps required to achieve the desired results. This strategy becomes a complete training hub for your offshore team.

Following these three steps will ensure your team’s time is used efficiently and helps them be more productive. When you make it a habit to document a new task, you’ll no longer have to start from scratch. You can trust that your offshore team will take care of the work for you.

When it comes to onboarding new staff in the future, these ‘how-to’ guides make training much easier. While it doesn’t replace initial training and onboarding, having access to a detailed process library makes training quicker for both the trainer and trainee. 

Outsourcing with Cloudstaff

For over 10 years, Cloudstaff has helped businesses across the globe achieve their goals by sourcing knowledgeable, high-performance offshore teams. Whether you’re looking to create efficiencies in your business processes or improve customer experience with 24/7 availability and free up time to focus on growing your business.

With a talent pool featuring thousands of qualified candidates, we have the staff you need to achieve success. Contact our team today to find out more.

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