OLG in Australia

A week in Sydney

The Office Link Group (OLG) Philippine team were sent to Sydney for training and team building, but they got more than that — a lot of fun and breathtaking experience!

Our Cloudstaffers, namely Laila, Nichole, Binmark, Raymark, Carl, Lovely and Micah spent a week in Sydney with their client, the OLG Sydney team, and New Zealand team. They were able to have a better grasp of the company’s operation, get to know the other teams, and enjoy the scenic spots of Sydney.

It is undeniable that they truly had fun because Binmark even kept a day-to-day record of their experience. Here it is:

Day 1 (Monday)
Our CEO Steve Smith, picked us up in the airport and showed us immediately one of Sydney’s attraction, the Sydney Opera House. After that, we were given two hours to rest in the hotel and in the afternoon, we went to the OLG Sydney Office for the showroom tour.

Day 2 (Tuesday)
In the morning, some of our colleagues based in Ballarat and in New Zealand arrived in our Sydney office. Around afternoon, we had a team building event where we were grouped into three teams (Red, Green and Blue). We had an “Amazing Race” type of game that was won by the Red Team.

Day 3 (Wednesday)
On our third day, we had a session that focused on ways of working and tools we could use in our work environment. It was a great activity as it could help our attitude towards work.

Day 4 (Thursday)
In the morning, we had a product session that gave us additional knowledge on what our company offers, and some of the teams got the chance to visit our factory and logistic site. In the afternoon, we had a self-evaluation session together with our counterparts, which gave us the opportunity to assess our individual performances and know the future goals of the team.

Day 5 (Friday)
Fifth day was a sharing session. Each member of the Philippine team were given a chance to speak and share their learning with the group. Process improvements were also presented in the group on this session.

Day 6 (Saturday)
This was a free day for the team! We got the chance to explore what Sydney has to offer to newcomers and it didn’t fail us. We got lots of groufies. 🙂

The trip was nothing but a worthwhile experience for the team. More than the learning and fun they had is the realization that even they are remotely located from OLG, they are definitely valued and are a part of the family.

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