A group of diverse young professionals working together

What Gen Z Wants in the Workplace

Generation Z is definitely shaking things up in the workplace, and it’s fascinating to see how they’re bringing about changes. They are digital natives so they practically had smartphones and social media as their pacifiers while growing up. This sets them apart from previous generations like Millennials and Generation X.

Now, this upbringing has had a big impact on their work ethic. It’s not that they don’t value hard work; they do, but their concept of hard work is a bit different.

It’s important for organizations to understand this shift in work ethic and adapt to it. Gen Z still cares about making an impact, but they prefer doing it in ways that align with their tech-savvy, fast-paced lifestyle. So, workplaces might need to find innovative ways to engage and motivate these young minds, harnessing their unique skills, and passions.

What is Gen Z?

Generation Z, also known as Gen Z or the Post-Milennials, spans the years between 1995 and 2012. They are a generation of digital natives, having grown up amidst rapid technological advancements. The internet and its wonders have always been an integral part of their lives.

They’ve witnessed the rise of social media, the emergence of artificial intelligence, and the evolution of communication technologies firsthand. This immersion has shaped their communication style and problem-solving approach. Their internet exposure has also made them highly informed individuals, adept at discerning credible sources from misinformation. Consequently, they are self-reliant learners, accessing information easily with just a few taps on a screen.

Make mental health a priority

You know how we always talk about the work-life balance being crucial for employees. Well, it turns out that Generation Z workers take it really seriously.

However, a survey revealed that less than half of them feel their bosses are helping them achieve that balance. In fact, 28% of Gen Zers reported struggling with their mental health because of their bosses. That’s a concerning number, and it shows the importance of supportive leadership.

By prioritizing a positive work environment and focusing on mental health support, employers can not only create a happier and healthier workforce but also boost productivity, teamwork, and employee retention. When employees feel valued, appreciated, and their mental health is taken seriously, they are more likely to stay with the company for the long term.

Offer compensation that makes work-life balance possible

According to a study, 70% of Gen Z believe that pay or compensation is the most crucial factor for them when it comes to work. For them, it’s not just about getting the highest-paying job; they seek a complete package with work-life benefits and also take into account the living expenses.

To truly catch the attention of this generation, employers need to be upfront and transparent about compensation information. This helps these young job seekers set realistic expectations.

Being transparent about pay from the get-go not only saves everyone’s time and energy, but it also shows that the company values their potential employees and wants to build a relationship based on trust and fairness.

Avoid micromanaging them

As  mentioned earlier, Gen Z employees have grown up in a world where technology and information are readily available at their fingertips. As a result, they tend to be more independent, self-sufficient, and resourceful. They have developed the ability to learn and solve problems on their own, which makes them confident in their capabilities.

Now, when it comes to the workplace, they expect this same level of autonomy and trust. Being micromanaged, for them, feels like an unnecessary intrusion that hampers their creativity and productivity.

When they’re given the freedom to tackle challenges independently, they thrive and bring their best to the table.

You need to focus on fostering an environment of trust, open communication, and support, and you’ll see this generation thrive and contribute their best to the organization.

Provide necessary training and job readiness

Despite having the highest school enrollments, many Gen Zers feel ill-prepared to transition from education to the workforce. This sentiment is not entirely unexpected, given that the rapidly changing job market and technological advancements have created a disconnect between traditional education and real-world job requirements.

To bridge this gap, organizations should invest in training programs. Hands-on experience and mentorship help develop skills, instilling confidence to tackle challenges and contribute effectively.

When Gen Z workers get the right skills for their jobs, they’re more likely to stay with their current company. 

Offer work flexibility

The study conducted by Upwork reveals a significant disparity in the preferences for remote work between two generations, Gen Z and Baby Boomers. According to the findings, a substantial 74% of workers from the younger generation prefer remote work, while only 58% of the older generation share the same preference.

One of the primary drivers behind Gen Z’s preference is that they’ve grown up in a world where the boundaries between work and personal life have blurred. As a result, they place a high value on having the flexibility to integrate work into their lives on their own terms, rather than conforming to rigid office schedules.

The young professionals’ strong inclination towards remote work can be attributed to their pursuit of work-life balance, the desire for location independence, and the freedom to design their work routine. Employers who embrace remote work options can position themselves as appealing choices for these young talents, leading to better talent acquisition and retention in an increasingly competitive job market.

Cloudstaff understands Gen Z’s needs

For over 15 years, Cloudstaff has been a reliable partner for global businesses, offering high-performing employees who truly stick around. With an impressive 98% staff retention rate, it’s clear that we have everything it takes to attract professionals from various generations.

Talk to us today to learn more about how we can help you find the best staff out there.